Monterey County District Attorney Dean D. Flippo announced on Wednesday, October 24 that 50-year-old Alfredo Juarez Luna of Greenfield, California, was found guilty by a jury of 2 counts of violating a criminal protective order, and 1 count of vandalism after a 2-day trial. On March 28, 2018, Monterey County Superior Court Judge Thomas W. Wills issued a criminal protective order against Luna for a period of 1 year. The order prohibited Luna from coming within 100 yards of a woman that he knows, as well as her residence, vehicle, and place of employment. On 2 separate occasions, Luna violated the criminal protective order and was sentenced to 180 days in the Monterey County Jail. Within hours of his release from custody, Luna went directly to the woman’s work and confronted her again. After the woman and her co-workers ordered him to leave, Luna eventually complied. Then, 2 hours later, Luna violated the order a 2nd time by going to the woman’s home, banging on her door and demanding ...