In the City of King’s ongoing efforts to improve the Mesa Del Rey Airport, work is now under way to install new runway lights, conduit and a new electrical control room. However, the work will unfortunately require a temporary closure of the Airport beginning February 3, 2020 through February 9, 2020. During this period, the Contractor will shut down the runway for 7 consecutive days to remove the existing lighting and install new lighting. A letter has been sent to all hangar lessees, a Notice to Airman (NOTAM) will be issued to pilots, and the Contractor will install trailer mounted signs indicating the runway is closed. Hangar lessees will be allowed to access their hangars during this period, but may not enter the runway area. The City’s Public Works Department will also be coordinating with the Contractor to perform crack sealing on the runway during the closure period. The City anticipates the overall project to be completed by the end of February. Please contact 831-386-59...
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