San Antonio Drive Path and Safe Routes to School Project Public Workshop Will be Held at the King City City Hall on December 11
The City of King will be holding a Community Feedback Workshop on Wednesday night, December 11 at the City Council Chambers from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The project will be funded from a $11 million State grant and includes a new dedicated bike path along San Antonio Drive from Mildred Avenue to Broadway Street and then west on Broadway Street to the King City High School, a series of roundabouts at each intersection on Broadway Street from San Antonio Drive to Mildred Avenue, installation of bike lanes on Mildred Avenue, and other safe routes to school improvements.
This will be a major project for the community. It is designed to improve pedestrian safety, reduce traffic congestion at each intersection on Broadway Street adjacent to the High School, and make the community more bike-friendly. Everyone is encouraged to attend, learn more about how the project is designed and will work, and provide your input and questions. Translation, child care, and free refreshments will be provided to help make it easier for everyone to participate.
Contact King City City Hall at 831-385-3281 if you have any questions.
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