King City Police Department Advises Drivers To Plan Ahead This Holiday Season: Be Safe and Drive Sober
King City, Calif. – Millions of people will be traveling to visit friends and family over the holidays. The King
City Police Department encourages everyone to celebrate safely and have a holiday game plan that
includes a designated sober driver.
During the pre-Christmas and New Year’s holiday season Nov. 28-Dec. 13, the King City Police Department
will have additional officers on patrol looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of
alcohol and/or drugs.
“We want everyone to enjoy the holidays and be safe,” said Sergeant Anthony Shaw. “If you plan to go
out and celebrate, make sure you plan ahead and find a safe, sober ride home because driving impaired
should never be an option.”
Drunk driving is a problem on our nation’s roads every day, but it’s more prevalent during the holidays.
During the 2016-2020 December months, there were more than 4,400 people killed in drunk-driving-
related crashes.
The King City Police Department reminds drivers that a “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.” Prescription
medications, over-the-counter drugs and marijuana can also impair, especially in combination with
alcohol and other drugs.
Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
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