At around 10 am on Tuesday morning, July 24, a 34-year-old Army Soldier named Spencer Slick was participating in a Combat Support Training Exercise and was reported absent without leave from Fort Hunter Liggett (AWOL). The Soldier left the post with a Humvee without authorization at an unknown time, but was apprehended hours later on Tuesday evening by civilian law enforcement in San Mateo. The soldier has been returned to the custody of military authorities while they complete an investigation of the incident. This is the 2nd incident that has occurred at Fort Hunter Liggett in less than 1 week. On Wednesday night, July 18, a U.S. Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter landing’s rotor wash blew over a tent structure injuring 22 Soldiers at Fort Hunter Liggett. Most of the injuries were minor and were treated on site. This incident last week took place during an annual U.S. Army Reserve exercise, Combat Support Training Exercise (CSTX) that trains Army Reserve and Army National Guard Soldiers.
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